“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” --mark twain

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Grammys 2011

I really don't know what to say about the fashion at The Grammys this year. I just don't understand why these people think they have to dress so absurd. Why is it so hard for them to wear an edgy and sexy dress for this occasion instead of dressing from head to toe in cheetah print, arriving in an EGG, and wearing just cheesy and cheep looking stuff. I guess they don't get enough attention at home so they strive for it on the red carpet. Some people think I'm the crazy one for not liking these looks but it's not my style and I would not be caught dead wearing them.
So here are SOME of my worst dressed:
This Roberto Cavalli dress looked a lot better on the runway then on Miley. Her forever long hair is taking away from the dress.

This dress is .... not cute. Looked better in the beige color. I love you Rihanna but not in this.

John Mayer you are not Johnny Depp and you never will be so quit trying. You look like a sleaze ball. Go to the gym and cut your nasty hair.

Okay, I like her music but I HATE her style. Her clothes get cheesier and cheesier every year, but what do we expect? It's Katy Perry!

I don't even know what to say about this? 

FINALLY! My best dressed picks:
Love this! Everything about her looks effortless.

She is beautiful no matter what she has on. I loved her hair and I thought this dress fit her perfectly. I'm normally not a fan of patterned dresses but I thought this was perfect for The Grammys.

Oh Kelly! You are a genius! Please go help these other celebs on the carpet.

I'm tired of hearing about her weight loss but I thought she looked beautiful. Her ta-tas are hanging out a bit too much but other than that she looks perfect.

BEAUTIFUL! Miley should start taking tips from her. So classy.

Although this dress is really short, I still loved it! Look at how fab her legs are! Therefore, she has every right to wear a short dress like this. I wish I could borrow her shoes. She has come a long ways....from cheap to classy. Hopefully Katy Perry will follow her footsteps.

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